Saturday, February 28, 2009

Kirsty's wedding

To Daniel:

I just got home from my sisters wedding!! it was so great, she looked so beautiful and im so happy for her and her new HUSBAND!!! hehe its so weird.... It was a beautiful ceremony and we all got really drunk and missed my salzburg people, but, oh well, soon enough we will party together!! :D (I would love some of your cocktails! send them over!!!)

home relatively early for my standards! emma and I (emma is my best friend) would have gone out but!! The weather has turned insane, its raining and windy as hell!!! (So, no problems like Aussie, poor neighbours!) It is still really warm though and it shouldnt last too long, so thats OK. Its really quite normal for NZ :P

Otherwise though, the other side of the world sucks. i have told everyone im going back "home" and so they will have to realise that me being in New Zealand is just temporary :P i am going to have a party at home tomorrow hopefully, to celebrate me being home. But its also my brothers birthday today. Shit!!!

My dad got me all depressed the other day and reminded me that life becomes a treadmill once you get on it... ARGHH!!!!

OHHHH i cant believe im home. nothing has really changed and everyone asks am i excited about being home-- NO!!!! and i start uni on Tuesday. Shit!!! Real work! And im buying a car. And finding a job. Crapppppp. Not excited at ALL!

Anyway, thats my ramblings. Im not drunk but DID drink a lot of champange. But its now 2.30am and i started the champers at 5pm, so..... im good :)